Lichen Planus How To Heal It Naturally

Lichen Planus How To Heal It Naturally – Lichen planus is a frustrating and often painful inflammatory skin disease that can affect different parts of the body, but is most common in the mouth.

Although the exact cause of oral lichen planus is unknown, there are many natural treatments available to support the immune system and control common symptoms with minimal or no side effects.

Lichen Planus How To Heal It Naturally

Lichen Planus How To Heal It Naturally

Let’s take a closer look at how lichen planus affects the body and explore natural oral home remedies for lichen planus.

Lichen Sclerosus: Symptoms, Causes, And Treatment

Lichen planus is a chronic inflammatory disease that affects 2% of the population.

Lichen Planus How To Heal It Naturally

It is a skin disease that may be asymptomatic but most often affects the skin externally and internally, causing various types of lesions.

Symptomatic oral lichen planus is the most common type and primarily affects the oral mucosa. It is characterized by white or red patches, open sores, and tissue swelling that can cause a burning sensation or body pain, especially when eating or performing dental hygiene.

Lichen Planus How To Heal It Naturally

Tips For Successfully Managing & Living With Chronic Oral Lichen Planus

Lichen planus occurs when immune cells responsible for detecting and responding to foreign invaders mistakenly target your own skin and mucous membrane cells. This misguided immune response can lead to inflammation and the symptoms of lichen planus.

Although the exact origin of lichen planus remains to be determined, it is believed that an imbalanced immune response is triggered by a variety of factors.

Lichen Planus How To Heal It Naturally

Healthcare providers use a combination of clinical evaluation, patient history, biopsy, allergy testing, and blood tests to help diagnose lichen planus.

Erythrodermic Lichen Planus

If you suspect that you may be affected by lichen planus, it is important to seek medical assistance for a full evaluation of your health.

Lichen Planus How To Heal It Naturally

Since there is currently no cure for oral lichen planus, traditional treatment focuses on relieving symptoms and minimizing inflammation.

Treatment of oral lichen planus can be challenging. Fortunately, there are several natural home remedies you can use to relieve symptoms and support your immune system.

Lichen Planus How To Heal It Naturally

What Is Vulvar Lichen Planus And How Do I Treat It?

Purslane is rich in antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins A and C, folate, and minerals such as calcium, potassium, and magnesium, which are important for optimal health.

Studied the use of purslane in the treatment of oral lichen planus and found that 83% of patients experienced partial or complete clinical improvement after only a few weeks of treatment.

Lichen Planus How To Heal It Naturally

“A miracle herb that is nutritious, easily available, has no side effects and may be a safer alternative for the treatment of oral lichen planus.”

Is Aloe Vera Gel The Best Treatment For Lichen Planus?

There are many ways to use purslane at home. Purslane leaves, stems, and flowers can be eaten alone or added to recipes. Alternatively, you can take purslane as an extract or supplement, or apply it topically as a soothing soap or ointment.

Lichen Planus How To Heal It Naturally

Although purslane is generally well tolerated, some people may be sensitive or allergic to this herb. Fortunately, many other natural treatments can help treat lichen planus.

“While these medications are considered safe, there is always the possibility of allergic reactions or negative interactions with prescription medications.”

Lichen Planus How To Heal It Naturally

Best Home Remedy

. “Before incorporating natural remedies into your daily life, it is best to consult with a healthcare professional to minimize the risk of side effects.”

The nutrients you provide your body play an important role in its ability to heal itself effectively.

Lichen Planus How To Heal It Naturally

Following a nutrient-dense, low-carb diet like Healthy Keto®, which focuses on nutrient-dense, non-GMO foods that are high in healthy fats, good sources of protein, and low-carb vegetables, is a great way to ensure your body is getting healthy. He needs it. . You must maintain optimal health.

Lichen Planus: Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment, And Risks

The study found that participants on the ketogenic diet noticed positive improvements in immune system function after just two weeks.

Lichen Planus How To Heal It Naturally

Maintaining good oral hygiene to keep mucous membranes healthy is key to controlling oral lichen planus and preventing symptoms from getting worse.

This includes brushing your teeth regularly, preferably with a soft-bristled brush, and using a mild alcohol-free mouthwash to reduce irritation and prevent secondary infections.

Lichen Planus How To Heal It Naturally

Oral Lichen Planus Treatment In Homeopathy

Certain irritants, such as tobacco, alcohol, spicy foods and acidic drinks, can irritate and aggravate lichen planus lesions and are best avoided.

While stress reduction, a nutritious diet, and good oral hygiene play a key role in managing this health problem, the green herb purslane is one of the best home remedies for oral lichen planus.

Lichen Planus How To Heal It Naturally

Purslane is considered one of the best home remedies for oral lichen planus as it has no serious side effects and has several beneficial properties.

Lichen Planus Bundle

Purslane is rich in antioxidants, which help fight inflammation, and contains many beneficial vitamins and minerals needed to support a strong immune system.

Lichen Planus How To Heal It Naturally

Yes, baking soda mouthwash is an effective natural treatment for oral lichen planus because it helps neutralize acids in the mouth and relieve inflammation.

By following good oral hygiene habits and avoiding strong irritation, you can limit the lesions and prevent oral lichen planus from spreading to other areas of the mouth.

Lichen Planus How To Heal It Naturally

What Is The Complete Cure For Lichen Planus Using Tested Home Remedies?

Although there is currently no clear treatment for oral lichen planus, there are several effective treatments and remedies, including preventive care, supplements, topical treatments, and lifestyle changes.

Additionally, purslane (a leafy green herb) has been found to be effective in controlling the symptoms of oral lichen planus.

Lichen Planus How To Heal It Naturally

The most effective ways to use purslane at home are through food, as an extract, or as a supplement.

Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy

You can eat purslane from your garden as long as you don’t use herbicides, pesticides, or other harmful chemicals.

Lichen Planus How To Heal It Naturally

Be extremely careful when looking for plants. Many plants can be poisonous, if you are not sure how to identify a plant, do not eat it and seek professional assistance.

Additionally, people with kidney disease and those taking blood thinners are at higher risk for side effects and should consult a doctor before taking purslane.

Lichen Planus How To Heal It Naturally

Video: What Is Lichen Planopilaris Aka Lpp?

A diet high in inflammatory foods, such as fried and processed foods and foods high in sugar and carbohydrates, may cause nutritional deficiencies, damage the immune system, and may worsen lichen planus symptoms.

Choosing a diet that focuses on nutrient-dense, organic, whole foods rich in anti-inflammatory fats (like healthy ketones) is an excellent strategy for supporting your body’s immune system and a healthy body. Our website uses cookies to improve and customize it. Your Experience We will not sell your information. Our website may also contain third-party cookies such as Microsoft Clarity, Google Analytics, Google Adsense. By using this website you agree to the use of cookies. We have updated our privacy policy. Click the button to view our privacy policy.

Lichen Planus How To Heal It Naturally

Determining the relationship between lichen sclerosus (LS) and diet can be confusing in your symptoms, attacks, and disease progression. Nonetheless, it can be one of the most useful tools in your toolbox when seeking relief and slowing or halting the progression of your condition.

How I Cured My Lichen Sclerosus

Because few scientific studies have examined the direct effects of diet on LS, they provide little or no insight into such a broad and complex topic. As this article points out, problems with the scientific research field on LS and diet are problematic at best.

Lichen Planus How To Heal It Naturally

Poor study design, small sample sizes, and lack of study replication lead to a lack of confidence in drawing accurate conclusions from the data.

While there aren’t many specific studies on diet related to LS, we do know that LS is a chronic inflammatory skin disease that primarily affects the skin of the anus and genitals. Therefore, we can better understand how diet affects LS by studying gut health, diet and inflammation, or diet and immunity.

Lichen Planus How To Heal It Naturally

Lichen Planopilaris: Hair Loss, Scalp Pain, Treatment

As more studies are published, the case for classifying LS as an autoimmune disease becomes stronger. According to a comprehensive review published in 2019, 82% of 532 LS patients had at least one type of autoimmune disease

As a doctor, I agree with Dr. Alessio Fasano, director of the Center for Celiac Disease Research and Treatment at Massachusetts General Hospital, found that three conditions must exist for autoimmunity to develop:

Lichen Planus How To Heal It Naturally

A new 2020 study reiterates this theory, stating: “Genetic predisposition, exposure to environmental triggers, and impaired gut wall function secondary to paracellular tight junction failure appear to be key components in the pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases. .

Empirical Treatments For Oral Lichen Planus (modified From Carrozzo And…

The researchers didn’t stop there. They realize that for people with one (or more) autoimmune diseases, a lifelong battle with an autoimmune disease cannot be taken for granted. Once you have it, you are no longer powerless. on the contrary! By identifying and addressing your body’s specific triggers and adopting a diet that heals and balances your gut, autoimmunity can be mitigated or even completely reversed.

Lichen Planus How To Heal It Naturally

Empty. As a doctor, I have to stress one thing, everyone’s body is different. This is why people with LS (and autoimmune diseases in general) have a wide range of symptoms, different rates of progression, different ages of onset, and different triggers. Because of this biological individuality, there is simply no one-size-fits-all LS diet.

One study found that 26% of patients with LS symptoms believed they had a specific food trigger that made their symptoms worse.

Lichen Planus How To Heal It Naturally

Oral Lichen Planus Home Remedies

The best place to start is to look at some of the most common nutritional trigger foods

In the LS community, you’ve probably heard a lot about oxalate-rich foods and how they can worsen symptoms.

Lichen Planus How To Heal It Naturally

They are a plant defense mechanism used to ward off predators.

Lichen Planus Sclerosus Natural Ayurvedic Treatment Melbourne

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About the Author: aliirham

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